Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I always thought Miranda and Steve were meant for each other.

Greetings my faithful!

Busy week ahead! My Grammy arrived today, and plans are starting to take shape for Marmee's upcoming party. (this coming Saturday, the 12th at 630pm - if you're in the area, SHOW UP!!! Email me for details)

So much to do to get ready for the party. I have a list a mile long of groceries and liquor and other crap to buy.

But I don't want to complain. The party should be great. I'm really looking forward to it!! :)

In other news - we learned this week that my thyroid is sluggish. Doy! I could have told someone that about 6 years ago. But I finally have a new doctor who was willing to run tests on me - and lo and behold, she discovered an issue. So I'll be starting some medicine for that. Hmm... It will be interesting to have a metabolism again. :)

I need to get some sleep. Alex is taking an intensive class this week. It goes Mon-Thu from 830am-730pm. But it's just one week. Anyhow, I have to get up in the morning with him and send him off to school. (How June Cleaver am I?) ANd then Grammy and I will hang out a bit. We're going to have to map out a plan of attack for this party. :)

Hope all is well out there with you. Drop me a line.

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