Sunday, May 28, 2006

Two wheels - no rules

It's Sunday - must be time to update the blog. It's finally summertime, and that means it's time to start on my thesis. I'm gonna attempt to knock the whole thing out - start-to-finish - over the course of the next 3 months. Let's see if I can do it. :) I'm so glad to have my first semester of teaching out of the way. I know I'll get really nervous in the face of the new school year (and that anxiety will probably set in around, oh - July...) but at least I can tell myself that I did complete one semester successfully. The circumstances under which I did my first semester were anything but ideal - so I'm thinking I can handle whatever comes my way.

On Friday, I moved all of my things into my new room. I don't know whether I posted this on here - but I was reassigned within my school. My school has 2 programs - one for the students who live in the community (which is aptly named the "community" program) and a magnet program (which is referred to as the "accelerated" program) for which students must apply and be accepted. I went to a magnet school when I was in middle school. Mostly - they offer higher-level or "pre-AP" type classes, and the kids often take foreign languages. Anyhow - I was teaching 8th grade community reading this past semester, but they administration thinks I am better suited to teach 8th grade accelerated reading, SO they switched me with the teacher who was handling the accelerated reading class. I got a MUCH bigger and nicer classroom out of the deal. :) There is definately a HUGE divide between the community and accelerated programs. The teachers feel it - and the kids REALLY feel it. When my kids found out, they felt a little betrayed. (especially those who will be repeating their 8th grade year) They said things like, "but you're not a snob!" and "you're going to turn into one of them! You're too cool to be ". I admit - feelings of guilt did begin to set in a little. When the administration asked me to switch programs - it was March, and I had yet to fall in love with my students. I said "yes" immediately, thinking only that this would be a MUCH better move for my career. I admit I didn't actually think about my kids. For that - I feel TERRIBLE. But, I made the decision, and I still think it's the best thing for my career. I simply assured my kids that I would still be there for them... just in a different room.

Three of my kids have a band. They got to perform at Mayfest this year and I went to see them. I became an instant groupie - they are SO good. (Mayfest - for those of you who aren't Tulsans is a street festival in downtown Tulsa where artists and musicians can come out and show/sell their stuff). No one would have believed that they are all only 14! But they are. Those 3 were some of my favorite students... And I am so touched that I was their favorite teacher.

I got a yearbook and let the kids sign. I have to say - I cried after a couple of the entries. These kids are so sweet. I'm really going to miss them. On the other hand - there are some of them I am SO glad to be rid of. :)

Alex and I are settled into our new place. We still really love it. It's funny - when you aren't cramped into 800 square feet, how easy it is to keep a place looking clean. That having been said - my big plan for this holiday weekend is to really give the place a good once over. What I love best is Sunday mornings... We sit at our dining room table and look out of our picture window while reading the paper and (in my case) drinking coffee. This house is so great! I'm sure once we have kids - it will start to feel smaller... But for right now, it is the perfect size!!!

Vacations for the summer? We have one that I can't really talk about on here. But it'll be fun. And then the other is just me... I'm leaving this Thursday to go to Winston-Salem, North Carolina to see my cousin Nick graduate from NCSA. He is going to move to the other side of the country in the fall to attend USC. I couldn't be prouder of the man he has become. I know that he is a person who will accomplish great things. It's strange to say this - because I'm 10 years his senior - but I really look up to Nick.

Well - this post has gotten exceedingly long. Watch for pics coming soon.

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