Saturday, May 13, 2006

Nine more days - but who's counting?

Okay - I admit it... I AM! I think I'm more excited than the kids are! Despite the fact that I'll be in school myself all summer. I am truely looking forward to NOT being the one who has to come up with the assignments, and then grade them. Not to mention not being the one to keep the classroom in order. I am SO glad to have a 3-month vacation from having to say "zip it", or "who gets the first referral", or "guys, quizzes are still out, STOP TALKING". I won't have to confisgate notes - or keep a sharp eye out for kids texting their friends. I can just relax and sit back when I see someone listening to an Ipod. :)

Yesterday, the kids had their 8th grade assembly - which they treat like a graduation. They were all dressed up and their parents came to snap photos and cheer them on. It was cute, really. But I couldn't help thinking that it's a shame that these kids are in such a hurry to feel grown up. If you have a prom and a graduation at the end of 8th grade, then it's not as new or exciting when they do it a 2nd time their senior year.

For the next 2 weeks - I'll be grading grading grading. I have to have everything graded and turned in by Friday the 26th. So - I decided that their final will be the 17th. That should give me plenty of time to get it graded, and out the door.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Don't forget to call your Mommy. :) I am going to re-post the Random questions... I saw that my man Davey from the block responded to the original post - and I wanted to address his... and anyone else who wants their chance....

1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll tell you what your superpower is.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.


a said...

Davey - I didn't see you down there... Okay... Here goes.

1. You're a Michagander, and you don't use the "my hand as a map of Michigan" trick to show people where in the mitten you're from. (I like that about you)

2. Safety dance. NO clue why.

3. Your superpower is the ability to make people laugh in all situations.


5. I'm pretty sure my first memory of you was in Paris at the Holiday Inn when Lia had us all in that tiny ballroom. I thought you were on your honeymoon at first.

6. Squirrel. No question.

7. How the hell can you afford all these exotic trips??? I'm still recovering financially from MY trip 2 years ago!!!

Anonymous said...

Ber! You simply MUST continue blogging! Otherwise I'll look at you with my disappointed face, and you might like it, but It. Will. Hurt. !

Now, tell me random things about myself and stuff!

Love you!

AllerHeather said...

Intriguing. I'll have a go - my name is Heather.

a said...

1. I know so many random things about you - I can't pull one out... Something random about Phill - bananas make you make this horrible sound in the back of your throat. Sounds like you have a hairball.

2. Song - "Say it ain't so" "Yesterday" "Chances Are" "Boomer Sooner" Etc....

3. Your superpower is that you can always always make me laugh.


5. That night in the newspaper room. Legendary!

6. Don't know that you remind me of an animal. Except an ASS MONKEY!

7. I don't have any questions for you. Eventhough we aren't as close as we were in our glory days - I still think I know you pretty well.

1. You and I dressed in drag that one night with Jeremy.

2. "25 years and a lop-earred steer"

3. Your superpower is to be super-fierce and a D-I-V-A!!

4. Thank God in heaven above you didn't get serious with Nate.

5. I remember a quiet little Schu in the corner of my living room. Precious!

6. Pussy cat

7. Did you and mama ever.....

Heather "the rockstar"
1. You taught me how to put on mascara. Scary that I lived that long without knowing how.

2. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend"

3. You are the super-stealthy linguist chick. SO cool

4. Beware the European "mexican" food!

5. I was your trainer, and I was TOTALLY intimidated by you because I was sure that you were so much smarter than i was that you would take over the class. :)

6. A pretty fox.

7. Are you happier now that you're gone?