Sunday, May 07, 2006

The "ayes" have it.

Okay - not that I was flooded with calls and letters (or even emails) begging me to continue the blog. But a couple of you have responded stating that you wouldn't know what I was up to without this thing, and so I shall continue.

This weekend has been a whirlwind of excitement. My cousin Brian graduated from TU law school on Saturday. (HOORAY!) So - his mom, sister, brother, sister-in-law, and our grandmother came in from Chicago to celebrate. My cousins were our first guests in our new home. It was really fun to have company! In fact, my cousin Michael and Alex were like peas and carrots. I didn't realize before how much they have in common. They stayed up late each night watching TV, playing video games, and just cracking eachother up!! I suddenly began to feel badly that Alex is surrounded by women 99% of the time. He never has another male to pal around with. (Esp. since his brother moved away) So - it was nice for him to have some testosterone around, and it was so much fun for me to have my family here. It was busy - we didn't get enough sleep - and I'm definitely coming down with a cold/flu type of thing... But it was all well worth it. My aunt will be staying until this Tuesday, and my Grammy will be staying with us through Mother's Day! (So next weekend is going to be crazy too!) The sad news is that Brian will be moving away back to Chicago, and that this time - it will be for good. (normally - he moves back for the summer, and then returns in the fall) Eventhough I rarely see him, I will miss having the opportunity. :(

Work has been great. CRAZY busy! And the kids are SUPER SQUIRRELY!!! They have 8th grade senioritis. We're just trying to make it through the next couple of weeks. Only 3 more Mondays (including tomorrow)!!!! THEN - I am going to North Carolina to see my cousin Nick graduate from North Carolina School of the Arts! And, to wish him luck as this fall he will be a freshman at the University of Southern California!! I couldn't be prouder of Nick! He is so talented, and disciplined. I have to admit that although I am 10 years his senior... I totally look up to him. I aspire to be HALF as dedicated and talented as he one day. (you know, not necessarily as an actor - but, dare I say, a teacher perhaps?)

Summer school starts June 5th. I'll be working on my thesis, and I'm enrolled in 6 hours. My hope is to get my thesis completely finished (or as close as possible) over this summer - so that I can EASILY just wrap up the few classes I have left to take - and move right on through to the PhD. (and then I'll have to change my blog name to "Dr. Amber Said") ;)

The NyQuil is starting to take effect, and so I will end this post for now.

Let me know how you are doing. I have not heard from many of you in quite a while!


a said...

It MUST be, because I DEFINITELY suffer from it most days. :) Any exotic trips recently? How's Sarah?

AllerHeather said...

Apparently, I fell off of the face of the earth, because I came back to check your blog today, and you have 18 new postings since the last time I read! My apologies, and I know you've already decided to keep it up, but I enjoy reading your blog. Please know that my silence was absence and not indifference.

I'm doing well, btw. Went to NYC for the a day trip this weekend, and it was great. My sister Steph graduated from NYU with a Masters of Law (Tax Law program). I even got to see a show. Good times. Things are going well for me.

I might be in Tulsa late June - you gonna be around?

Talk to you soon!