Sunday, May 31, 2009

Your daddy's rich And your ma is good lookin' So hush little baby Don't you cry

We find out on Thursday how far along the pregnancy is. I am suspecting that it will turn out that I am roughly 12-13 weeks pregnant. Yesterday, I felt all depressed and exhausted. I could barely muster a smile, let alone get motivated to do anything useful.

Today - MUCH better. Night and day, really. I woke up feeling great - got a lot accomplished, and still feel alert even though it's almost 9pm. :)

Struggles thus far with the pregnant-ness have been getting up to pee at least 3 times per night, drinking enough water (trying for at least 64oz per day), keeping ahead of the hunger so I don't get nauseated, and actually believing that there's a baby in there. Because right now, all I have are the positive pee stick, and the positive blood test results on the fridge to prove that there is actually a baby inside of me. It's all a little too fantastic to believe.

As for non-baby news... I am leaning more and more towards leaving the PhD program. I will make my decision by this Friday - but before then, I have a couple of meetings set up - one of which is with my advisor... So we shall see if any of those meetings sway my decision. At this point, I would say that is doubtful.

So - I have to decide how I will fill my days. I want to take some sewing, knitting, quilting, baby yoga, classes... Also, Marmee made the suggestion that I maybe try working at Sylvan or Kumon - someplace like that. Since, they surely hire short term, I think it might be a great idea.

Any suggestions from you?

g out


Anonymous said...

i think marmee is pretty smart. the sylvan thing sounds like it would be a good plan. and of course the baby yoga would be great. i wish you were in tulsa...there is a yoga class i want to do on tuesday nights...i would love to have you there too! kakes

Lisa-tastrophies said...

Knitting is awesome! Seriously! I learned a year ago and with each project I get better and better. Plus there is something really cool about seeing an idea come to life. I used to sew, but it actually is CHEAPER to buy clothes these days. Go figure. Anyway, if you are interested in getting more info on knitting contact me or sign up for Ravelry.