Sunday, April 19, 2009

just barstools, and boyfriends, and whiskey at nighttime, and bedtime, bedtime

Taking a bit of a break from the grindstone. I have papers to grade, papers to write - and an unforgivably filthy house - NOT TO MENTION a pile of laundry so large, I'm gonna need an oxygen tank and a sherpa to find the top.

But, priorities in place, I need to start with the presentation & paper that are due Tuesday. I'm even going to skip class tomorrow evening because I need the time to work on this paper (10 pages) and presentation (1 hour).

I love grad school.

You know, it's funny... I was talking to a classmate yesterday, and we were both saying how people idealize the situation they aren't currently in. For example - when I was working full time and getting my master's degree... I thought to myself "hmmm... it would be so much easier if I could be in school full time". Now - I'm thinking it would be so much nicer if I were just working full time and not in school.

Just can't be happy, can I?

In other news - on the hurt feelings front... I'm better. I think I just have to realize that in a marriage - sometimes things get said that we don't mean. And feelings will get hurt. But what's important isn't the thing that was said - or even the fact that it was said... What's important, and what wins out in the end is that I love Alex. I choose to be with him, despite his human-ness.. And eventhough I was hurt, I'm willing to forgive him.

And so I have.

Now, I just have to deal with my own issues on the matter. I have to look myself in the eye - and just make the decision to go to the gym, to choose healthy foods instead of unhealthy ones, and if I do choose to eat something less-than-healthy... Like, say a ho ho, or pizza, etc... then I need to not torture myself about it.

Good luck to me.

Okay, back to it.

Bakhtin awaits.


1 comment:

Lisa-tastrophies said...

AG ~ oh the grass is always greener!! No one told me when I started teaching that it would be this much work!! Some days I miss the corporate world; if just for the 80 hour work week.
And I LOVED the comment about laundry. Mine is going to get it's own zip code soon if I don't start doing some cleaning!