Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"When you wanna quit cause nothing works, don't give in, quitting is the specialty of jerks, don't give in, simply keep your focus on what lies ahead

...don't play games, don't play dead, begin! those who are marking time, wake up. life is a cause that you have to take up. don't give in."

That lyric is so great - it had to be completed. Well, at least that stanza had to be.

Happy April Fools Day! I made it through March blogging on average every other day. That's pretty decent considering my recent track record with blogging. Thanks go out to kakes for kicking me in the ass and making me pay more attention to the fact that people might actually be reading this blog - and that they furthermore care about the things going through my head. (either that - or they're just bored at work, but I am in support of aiding and abbeting when it comes to procrastination.)

Speaking of procrastinating - that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm not interested in working, or doing homework, or working out, or anything. Really - what I want to do is bake, but I am trying very hard to stay out of the kitchen right now. The problem isn't in the baking... The problem is afterward when I want to eat those delightful things I've created. (And today - I'd like to create, and subsequently eat, some chocolate chip cookies)

I've noticed that at least one of my friends posts her blogging as a note on her facebook. Interesting idea. More people would be aware of the blogging that I'm doing. Which is simultaneously a plus and a minus. But it's something to consider anyhow.

I'm also considering joining a gym. The reasons for this are tri-fold. 1 - Alex won't go to the OU gym. And who can blame him? I thought it would be super intimidating, went and found out it wasn't too bad - and now, since I haven't been in a while, am feeling like it's super intimidating again. I just can't enjoy working out when I'm doing so along side a 19 year old blonde whose only ever heard of cellulite, but she has never actually experienced it. It just seems unfair that those girls breeze in and out of the gym with their make-up and hair undisturbed - when I, next to them, am sweating my ass off, mascara pooling underneath my eyes, and will to live pooling down around my ankles. 2 - HAVE to work out. Have definitely hit a plateau, and then am eating more like a regular person now. In that I'm eating more normal portions. I am TRYING my best to keep my calories under 1400/day. It is not the easiest thing in the world. But I am making an effort. So much so, in fact, that I'm writing down everything I eat in a journal, and I'm calculating the calories, sugar, fat, carbs, and protein in each thing. It takes me almost an hour to figure out a meal that I've cooked at home. HUGE pain in the ass - but I think it's the best idea so that I don't wind up gaining any weight while I'm un-filled. (or deflated... however you'd like to refer to it) 3 - Although the OU gym is included in my tuition, and I have some hand weights and a treadmill in my house - I need to have a place where I GO to workout, and preferably one where I can join a class of some ilk. For example: water aerobics, core strength training, yoga! Oh, how I miss yoga!!

On the schedule for this weekend: dinner with an old friend on Friday, medieval fair with Marmee (and maybe Laura) on Saturday. LOTS of homework throughout. Envy me, people... You know you want to. ;)


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