Monday, May 11, 2009

Well I've never been to Spain, but I've been to Oklahoma...

The time has come to update the blog. It's been almost a month - but I know you'll forgive me since you're aware that I was trudging through finals hell from this semester that has left me bruised but not quite broken.

It has been a rough couple of weeks. I had 3 10-page papers, a 1 hour presentation, a poster session, AND a 20 page paper to complete all by May 5th. NOT TO MENTION, having things in order for my students' last classes, AND packing to leave on vacation on May 7th. (The last thing I am NOT complaining about IN THE LEAST... but it was yet one more thing to do.)


I am pretty sure I've gotten through the last semester relatively unscathed. I definitely took on too much, and I am hoping that I have at long last learned my lesson from doing that over and over again. Yet - realistically, I'm thinking I have to make this mistake a few hundred more times before it REALLY sinks in.

I did wind up having to take an "I" in one of my classes, because the paper I turned in was TRULY sub-par. I have the option of accepting the grade I earned (which would bring me to a low B or a C in the class) or rewrite the paper, and try for a higher grade, which I am doing, because I need to reserve the right to earn a B or a C in my statistics class more so than my Educational Sociology class.

I think I got A's in my other 2 classes. I haven't heard for sure yet. Hmm... I should go check... Maybe my profs have posted grades.


Nope. No grades posted yet.

On to other news - because school isn't quite my ENTIRE life... Alex and I got the opportunity to take a vacation to North Carolina. It was all so perfect - the plane tickets were super cheap, and my aunt who lives out here has a friend with a beach house and a generous heart - so we were able to spend a weekend at a beach house on Topsail Beach, NC free of charge!! It was a beautiful beach, lots of soft sand, VERY few rocks, BEAUTIFUL ocean! The only thing I didn't like was the fact that the beach house was 3 stories, and the kitchen/living room/our bedroom areas were on the 3rd floor. So there was LOTS of stair-climbing. Otherwise, it was FANtastic! In typical amber form, I decided I didn't need to put on any sunscreen the first day, and I got a sunburn. But it wasn't so bad until I went out the second day (wearing 55SPF, mind you) and compounded said burn. I burned on my chest, back, shoulders, and arms. Naturally, despite all the burning, my legs are barely tan. What up with that??

We are staying on at my aunt's house in Winston-Salem for a couple more days before heading back. There isn't anything planned - but I'm glad we didn't decide to just head back today home. I cannot imagine how cranky I would have been had I been required to travel today. I'm already bordering on cranky about traveling home on Thursday - and that's 3 days away!!

I love to be new places, visit family, and relax - but I HATE the getting there part: flying, driving, etc... It just plain SUCKS!

My plans when I get home? CLEAN MY HOUSE! There are hairballs (mine) in my bathroom that are so big and have been there so long that I've decided they're the closest thing I'll ever have to pets - and I've named them. It'll be sad to get rid of them, but I am afraid that the department of public health is going to come out to our home, yell "HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?!?!" and condemn the place.

So that's top on my list.

I would also like to sleep late in my own bed. Since we've been in North Carolina, I haven't slept past 8am EASTERN TIME!! No one woke me up - I've been the first person up every day. I don't know why I can't seem to sleep late here - but I just can't do it. And I'm exhausted!

For right now - I am going to take my new Jen Lancaster book and lay on the couch and read. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm hoping to accidentally drift off for a bit of an afternoon nap.


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