Saturday, May 23, 2009

The night is over This masquerade is getting older Lights are low the curtains down There's no one here

Past lives and old boyfriends.

No doubt prompted by an episode of Ugly Betty I watched last night, I had the most detailed and obvious dream last night.

I dreamed about my ex, Glenn. He was an actor living in Paris. (both acting & French being former life paths for me) And he was ridiculously passionate about acting. (which is fitting because Glenn, an architect major, was - and probably still is - ridiculously passionate about architecture) I was in Paris on a trip for school, but my Mom and Rick were there, and Alex was there too. The three of them were waiting for me at a restaurant on the roof top, and I was doing my best to make my way there, but kept running into people, some I was glad to see, others - not so much. Steve (my 1st love) was one of those I saw... I kept trying to catch up with him because I wanted to tell him I am married and pregnant, and really happy. But I could never quite catch up. The people I kept seeing that I didn't particularly want to see just looked at me and walked by without a word, but as they passed, they would snicker and talk about me behind my back.

Then, I was in the lobby waiting to catch the elevator up to the rooftop, and my beloved cousin Nick came up. (in real life - I am NUTS about this kid. I travel to California once, sometimes twice, a year to see him in his college plays) He gave me a HUGE hug, and said how great it was to see me there. Then he and Glenn (Glenn, by the way, was sporting a HUGE and AWESOME afro) went off together to get ready for that night's show.

I finally got on the elevator to go join my party, and that's when I woke up - feeling strangely at peace, and almost as if I had gotten the chance to say goodbye to those past lives, and those ex boyfriends.

Not that any of them are usually on my mind. It is the rare occasion that I think about what might have been with either the lives, or the guys. But this morning, when I awoke, it seemed to me that I may never have to think about what might have been ever again. Because I am happy with what is.

Very, very happy.


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