Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not only survived... Excelled

So - when I left you, I was still starting on my Masters, starting being a teacher, and starting to live with Alex...

Well - now, I'm in my PhD program (having earned a 4.0 in my Masters) have 3 years teaching experience, and am engaged to marry Alex in about 2 1/2 months.

I am a person who accomplishes that which she sets out to accomplish.

I have to write that, so when I look back at this, I can remember that I am a person who accomplishes that which she sets out to accomplish. I am. So, the next time I'm feeling like I'm going to fail at something, or that I won't be accepted for some reason, I just need to remind myself of all I've succeeded with - and all I am capable of.

Enough of the back-patting. I am sitting, currently, at my usual spot in Collings Hall at OU waiting for my evening class to begin. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, I'm in class until after 10pm. My schedule this semester is nothing short of impossible, but I'm midway through - and not dead yet... So onward!

The wedding... Well, it's going to be perfect. Despite all the drama that has come up, or will come up - I know that I will look beautiful, Alex will look handsome, and we will make our vows to one another in front of our loved ones, and in front of God. Unfortunately, Mom may wind up divorced before that happens. I am reasonably sure that she will have dissolved her very crumbly marriage long before Thanksgiving arrives. It makes me sad for her - because I don't want to see her alone. But she truly thinks that alone is the best way for her to be. Well - not completely alone, I'm sure she'll date - but she is not interested in marrying again. And who can blame her.

More soon...


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