Saturday, October 14, 2006

"Amber, why are you awake so early?"

Well, that's an excellent question. It can be answered by a cliche... "Guilt is an extremely good motivator". Ya see - my nephew is visiting his mother this week - he from Memphis - and she living in Missouri. Naturally, when he is within a 2 hour drive as opposed to a 9 hour drive, I want to make the effort to see him. So I arranged to go pick him up today, bring him to Tulsa so my mom and I could see him, then share with my dad - and let dad take him back.

Here's where the guilt comes in... I have 2 other nephews who - admittedly - I haven't really been involved with their lives. I also have a niece. I am less involved with her life now than I was when she was a baby, but she is 13 - and can understand easier why I am more distant. In any case my other 2 nephews each have a football game today. One beginning at 9am. And my sister - bless her - has made me feel so guilty for not going up there more often - that I set my alarm for 6am, and I am giving my Saturday to the Guilt Gods in the hopes that I can feel good about myself as an auntie once again.

Did I mention I wrecked my car yesterday? a $600 screw up provided by yours truely.

Also - are any of you secretly wealthy? I need about $35,000. I really don't even know how to begin to get that kind of money. *Sigh*

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