Monday, December 05, 2005

The word is - there is no word.

I had a great time observing at Nimitz. The staff is super friendly, and the kids are spirited, but loveable. I observed both Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Then, Friday - I went in to meet with the principal. I went in thinking she would be offering me the position. But she didn't. The truth is - my meeting with her was short and uneventful. As we left things - I am to call her this Wednesday. I don't know whether she has found somebody else she wants to interview - or perhaps there is a tenured teacher who is interested in transferring to the school - or maybe after observing me while I observed, she decided that I am not a good candidate for the job. I don't know. But I am not discouraged. I was, but I've decided that there isn't a reason to be so. If I get the job, I'll take it - and start teaching. Win. If I don't get the job, I'll stay in school full time and knock out another 9 hours. Win.

Either way, I'll still be progressing toward the ultimate goal of being a teacher, and getting my Masters & then my PhD.

The weekend was quick but nice. Friday was uneventful. Saturday, we went to help Marmee paint her new clinic. Yesterday, I went to Marmee's and baked cookies and made chicken & noodles for dinner, which was fun.

Today - I've been hitting the books. I have completely finished my Educational Research class. The only thing left to do is turn in my research paper & take home exam. I have almost finished my college teaching class. I have 2 small papers to write for it, and one small powerpoint to create. Then - for my Lit Theory class, I still have to prepare for the comprehensive final - which is going to be a list of 18 quotes which I will have to identify and discuss. This would be great if it were quotes from stories - but it will be quotes from obscure essays that we have read for the class by obscure theorists. YUCK!! I also have my critical paper to write. I'm going to be working on Lit Theory this evening.

Tomorrow - I am heading to OKC to appear before the Teacher Competency Review Board. The rumor is that once I finish this final step - my certification will be complete, and I am licensed and ready to teach. :)

I'll keep you updated about the job or not the job. ;)

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