Monday, December 19, 2005

Much ado about job offers.

Greetings fair reader! Good to see you again. I hope that you have completed (or almost completed) your holiday shopping, and that you are able to enjoy at least a few relaxing days with your loved ones this coming week. I have completed my shopping. I think that all on my list will be happy with their tokens. I'm really ahead of schedule actually, because I've even finished wrapping all the presents & stocking stuffers. That's right - you're jealous. :)

So today was easily one of the crazier days in the history of me. As you know from your close following of my every move - I've been applying and interviewing for teaching jobs. I had my heart set on one job, but the principal never called me back. It's now well into the 3rd week since I last spoke with her. It's sad. And I was mighty disappointed. But - as Alex pointed out, it was a win-win situation, because either I got that job, or I took another full time semester of grad school. Either way - I'd be working toward my goal still. So I had resigned to the idea of another 9 hours of grad school when on Thursday of last week, I got a call from the Asst. Principal at Edison Middle School. I had already interviewed with her once - before Thanksgiving - but hadn't heard from her since, so I figured she went with someone else for the position. Turns out, she wanted me to interview with the principal. We scheduled it for 1030 this morning. I was pretty sure I wouldn't take this job, but I thought the interview would be good practice. Meanwhile, as I was getting ready for the interview this morning, my phone rang. It was the principal of the high school where I had interviewed in mid-November. She called to offer me the position. Teaching 12th grade on-level English. I told her that I was on my way to another interview, and asked if I could have some time to think about the offer. I went to my interview, and the principal (my old high school principal) offered me the job right away. Overwhelmed by this point, I asked him for some time to think about it. I told him that I had another offer on the table. He said he understood, but explained that he really needed an answer either way before the end of the day today. The asst. principal then gave me a whirlwind tour of the school - introducing me to teachers, letting me observe kids - it was so much information in a relatively small amount of time.

I walked out to my car with my head stuffed full of information. I called Marmee to get her opinion, and started driving. *Beep* Call waiting. Mom goes on hold, and on the other end of the line - the lady from TCC (Tulsa Community College) she has a class that needs a teacher - Comp 2. I asked if I could call her back, and told her that she was officially my THIRD job offer for the day.

I couldn't believe that I had THREE JOB OFFERS on the table. All of them great and interesting. What's more - I had no time to think about it. I had to make my decision today. Before 2pm.

Needless to say, I was flustered.

After much discussion and debate, and after getting the opinions of both Alex and Mom... I decided.

I took the job with Edison middle school teaching 8th grade reading.

I am nervous but excited.

More to come!!!

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