Friday, June 12, 2009

I don't know what to do But then thats nothing new, Stuck between hell and high water I need a cure to make it through.


Not exactly.

The truth is - I haven't made a firm decision.

I decided for this summer that I'll take 2 classes instead of my originally planned 4 - that decision was based mostly on my current sleepiness. I just didn't think I'd be able to handle being in class from 8am-1pm, and then again from 5pm-9pm three days a week. (and the 8-1 class is actually 5 days a week)

So - after talking to my advisor - I decided not to decide for now. That was actually his suggestion. He asked me why it needed to be so black and white, quit or don't quit. He said maybe just slowing down for now is the way to go. And I figured it couldn't hurt. Then, after talking to my boss (who is also a professor, just in a different department within the college of ed), I decided that if I do slow down, the smart thing to do is to take my content area classes while Alex and I are living
here in Norman - because those aren't offered in Tulsa. Then, all I will have left as far as classes are concerned are the research classes - which ARE offered in Tulsa. Oh, I'll still have to drive up to Norman for committee meetings, my general exams, and a smattering of other reasons - but, it wouldn't be on a weekly basis...

I also learned in my advisement meeting that I have 5 years to complete the coursework, and up to 10 years to complete the dissertation. For some reason I had it in my head that we had to finish the whole enchilada in 5 years. And that timeline didn't seem like a friendly one to me.

I'm still not sure I'll wind up finishing it or not. After seeing my ultra sound on Wednesday, I'm already falling in love with this little baby. But one of my friends who had her baby earlier this spring - keeps saying that having adult time away from the little cherub is about all that is keeping her from losing her mind. So, maybe by fall 2010, I'll be ready to take a class and have some adult time. Thankfully, that part is very flexible - and I have more than a year before I would need to make that decision.

So - for the month of June, I am taking 1 class that meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 5pm-9pm, and that's quite enough for me and my tired self. In July, I'll take another class that meets 3 times a week in the evening. Fall - 1 class that meets once a week, and the same for Spring (MAYBE). Luckily, the Fall & Spring classes are taught by my advisor - and he's willing to be very flexible with me as far as attendance goes. (within reason, of course)

That's the story. Sorry I didn't post it sooner.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just spent an hour catching up on your blogs...I laughed and I cried (when you cried and slept hard after finding out you were not pregnant and now being soooooo happy that you are). You are a wonderful writer. Reading your blog is like reading a wonderful novel and I know the heroine!

Back to this blog. I am glad you have some peace and have decided to stay with the status quo for the moment. No need to make any decisions, just slow have 10 years after all!

Anyway, I am getting ready to go to bed. Thanks for the update (on everything). I Love YOU! Marmee