Thursday, July 27, 2006

Can you hear that ticking???

I have my nephew with me this week. It's a little intimidating. I'm used to him being a baby. But he's a pre-teen! He's still young enough that he likes to watch cartoons. But he's old enough that he has an IPOD Nano, and a PSP. What is intimidating is I don't know how to entertain him. When he was a baby, it was enough just to be around. We could be running errands or whatever, and he was happy.

Now, he wants to do stuff. Go swimming. To the movies. Anywhere there might be other kids his age.

And yet, the other night, as he fell asleep while we were watching a movie, Alex looked at me and whispered "somebody's falling asleep" and I looked over at "the baby" and thought...I want one of my own.

The next day, we took him for an ice cream, and the guy behind the counter said I was a nice Mom. It was all I could do to not burst into tears. I said, "actually, I'm his aunt, but thank you" But on the inside I said "I'm not a mom... I am (so far) a barren wasteland!!"

Alright. MUCH to do today.

May be a while between posts.

Hope you can live without your Amber fix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.