Not a ring, but a beautiful floating heart necklace.
I love it!!! I was so shocked to see the pretty little blue box with the perfect little white ribbon! It certainly helped to make my birthday a particularly happy one! He also gave me the complete series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD - which most of you know is one of my all time favorite TV shows. (If not my absolute favorite...) So I was really excited about that too! I had a very nice birthday. 3 of my classes serenaded me at school. We went to Shogun for dinner (Me, Alex, Grammy, Dad, Judy, Brian and Jennifer) It was a good time, and the food was so yummy! Tomorrow (Sunday) we will be going out with Mom. Children of divorce always get 2 birthday celebrations. :) I've selected PF Changs for that occasion. I have a serious jones for expensive Asian cuisine. ;)
I got phone calls from several of you. Thank you very much! I have to say - I went to bed with the warm snuggly feeling that my friends and family are wonderful! I truly felt loved and special yesterday. Even mother nature wanted to give me a present, and she gave us almost an inch of snow. :) Coming home last night, blue box in my pocket - I got a little misty-eyed at the beautiful white snow. So peaceful - and just for me. Or so it seemed.
Today - we stayed in for the most part. It was cold and still snowy outside. We did, however, venture out to go and visit with Grammy. We played Scrabble. Mom was the winner - and I was the BIG loser. I don't think I even broke 100 points. But it was fun to play. Then Alex and I took advantage of the empty grocery store and got our shopping out of the way. Now we are enjoying a cozy evening at home. And soon we will snuggle into bed. YAY!
I couldn't be happier that this is a 3 day weekend! That means tomorrow night, I don't have to pack my lunch, fix my coffee, do laundry, NOTHING! I can just go to sleep with the comforting thought that I can sleep in the next morning! What could be better???
I know spring break will be here before we know it. Feels like Christmas was only about a week ago.
Good night, friends. I wish you all little blue boxes of your own!!!
My fave is the chicken double pan fried noodles! YUM-O!!
I so miss you guys! I wish we could do Europe again all together!!! Maybe someday...... (Although - it's NEVER gonna happen on a teacher's salary!) ;)
OOH!!! Also the crab wonton!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope that you had a great one.
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