Sunday, January 22, 2006

We don't need no education

It's sort of surreal being a teacher. I still look at the other teachers - now my colleagues - and see them just the same way I saw my teachers when I was in school. I don't consider myself to be really one of them. Not that they aren't nice. They're great. But I guess I just never thought that teachers were really human, or that they had lives outside of the classroom. And I am human, and I have a life (however boring) outside of the classroom.

I actually said something along the lines of "I didn't have time to grade that, because I have a life" to one of my students last week. He looked at me in shear disbelief. I'm 100% convinced that he thought I was full of crap.

Last Friday, I decided to read aloud to my classes. I thought it would give them the opportunity to relax a little after a long week of working hard - and it would also give me a chance to demonstrate classroom control. The only problem was that I didn't consider the fact that I've been coughing for a week, so my voice was weak. I made it through, voice intact, but by the end of the day I felt as if I had been singing in an opera for 3 nights straight. Note to self - elect students from the class to read aloud at least some of the time.

The other areas of my life are going well. Alex is great, and we're so happy. We're coming up on 3 years in a couple of weeks. I can't believe it. Really, our only problem is that our apartment is so small. It's like living in a sardine can. But it hasn't prompted any fighting. Just clutter. And, as far as I know, no one has died from clutter. :)

I hope all of you are well! Thanks to those of you who voted for Jerome & his fiancee!! They are accepting votes until this coming Friday - so if you have a spare second, please cast another vote for them!!


Anonymous said...

it's tiff. i am totally with you on the teacher thing. congrats on 3 years. love ya!

a said...

TIFFIES!!! Thanks! :) It's so good to hear from you!! How are things? Better???

a said...

Yeah - I'm pretty sure we were in the 8th grade at the same time. :) And at that point - I was not the best choice for a study buddy. I was too busy socializing.

I think to get your pic to show up - you have to have a blogger account that has a pic on your profile. HA! That sounds like I actually know what I'm talking about.

I don't. ;)