Thursday, November 06, 2008

Tired and more tired


I was sick earlier this week. So much so that I missed class on Monday evening, and on Tuesday evening as well. I hate having to miss class! I get this sick satisfaction from having perfect attendance. :( But that won't happen this semester.

It was a yucky situation involving vomit that no one would want to hear about in great detail. Suffice it to say, I felt like poo, and now I feel better.

Except that I'm sleepy. Being sick takes a lot out of a person, you know?

Also - I have to apologize to you, Kakes... I shouldn't have told you about the Etsy. It's like I've turned you on to Meth - and I have to take responsibility for that. I might even need to suffer some dire consequences. (like finishing reading book 4 for example?) ;)

Almost 10! I think I can justify the getting ready for bed process beginning right about.........

